Sunday, December 9, 2012

Critical Reflection #4

Critical Reflection #4 

Copyright rules and laws play a role in everybody's life whether they realize it or not. I myself have to always remember when I am looking up information on the internet for homework that I have to obey to copyright laws.Th copyright symbol is usually always there, but most people either tend not to see it or notice it because its always there. Copyright laws are very serious matters. In any of my class my teachers always say that if they find out we copyrighted something from a website, book, article or any other source that we would automatically get a zero. Some teachers especially in college would kick you out of the class or even the school. What most people need to remember is that the internet is not a public domain. Schools can even sell you out for file sharing, which has been a huge problem for colleges. Copyright laws are also to protect you and your own work. It is always a good idea to ask the owner of the material if it is ok to use their work if you're not sure. I think that as a teacher it is important to teach the students about the copyright laws at a young age so the can know the rules before they think about using someone elses work.

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