Thursday, November 29, 2012

Favorite Teacher Blogs

I love looking on pinterest for all kinds of ideas and one of my favorite things to look at are teachers blogs. I love looking at things that they have done in their classroom and worksheets or activities that they have done. I have found so many good ideas from just going on pinterest.

One blog that I really liked was a first grade teacher named Kathy. I really liked looking at her blog because she had a lot of great ideas and information on there.

Favorite Teacher Blog

NET Standards

NET is important skills that teachers should know because technology is always changing. I think its important as teachers to stay on top of the all new and different technology out there so we are able to teach our students.

Technology is in all of our lives and it will keep improving and coming out with more things so its best to keep up with it!

A useful website: NET Standards

VCSU Classes

Overall, I think this semester has been going very well. I really like all the education classes I am in and I am glad to be in the program. I think that Intro to Education and the Ed. Tech classes have been my favorite classes so far because all the things we have done in both those classes will really help in the future for when I become a teacher. I really enjoy making all the different crafts and what not in the Ed. Tech class. I heard that next semester will be a lot more work, so I am excited to start new classes, but not too excited for all the work that is going to come with it. I think that in the end it will all be worth it though.

Snagit Video

Snagit was easy to use and is very similar to Jing. The only big difference between the two is Snagit you can upload to YouTube and other places and Jing you can't.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Doc Cam/Smartboard

I think that this app on the iPad will be useful when I have my own classroom because it will be cheaper as well as easier to use.There are some many different apps that you can get on iPads that are helpful for the teachers as well as fun for the students. iPads are starting to become more and mores popular so it seems logic that most teachers are starting to teach with them. I think that the smart board is also a great tool to have in the classroom if possible because I think it is a great way to get the students involved. The teachers and students will love it because there are so many different things you can do with it.


This year for Thanksgiving we had it at our house and my Grandma, Aunt, uncle, cousins and my cousins son came. It was fun to have everyone together and get to see everyone. I helped my mom and dad prepare the food for Thanksgiving. We had tons of food such as mashed potatoes, turkey, bread, pumpkin muffins, fruit, seven layer salad, stuffing, beans, applesauce and more. I enjoy getting together with my family over the holidays because it gives us all a chance to catch up and spend time together. I had a lot of fun playing with my cousins son, Wyatt who is 3 years old. We went outside and played some basketball and football. It was such a beautiful day with the temperatures right around 58 degrees. Throughout the afternoon the temperatures started to drop and the wind began to pick up and so by 5 everyone started to leave to beat the storm home. I was not very pleased to see that about an hour later after everyone was gone that it had started to snow.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

QR Codes

QR Codes can be a fun a creative way to use the iPads for different lesson plans you teach. The kids will be learning the lesson as well as using technology while they do it. You can create worksheets and have the answers be the QR codes so the students can look up and see if they got the answer right. Helpful Websites to Create your own: - - My Instructions for my QR Code Game:

Blurring out faces in images

I used Gimp to blur out some of the faces in this picture. This tool can be helpful when posting pictures on a website and someone doesn't want their picture to be on the website, so all you have to do it blur it out. What I did to blur out the others faces was take the circle tool and put it around the face that I wanted to blur and then I went up to the filter button and clicked on the Gaussian Blur and then picked how much I wanted to blur the face.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

ipad rules

I think that having iPads in the classroom is a great idea, but you should start off by either coming up with rules together as a class or coming up with rules on your own for them. 


When making the cupcakes we put them into Photoshop and decorated them. First thing I did was to add color to mine and then next I used the tear drop tool to make the sprinkles on the cupcake. We also used the magic wand tool to delete the background.

Magazine Cover and iSpy Page

Magazine Cover

Making my magazine was a lot of fun because we got to design it ourselves. I liked this project because it gave me more experience working with Photoshop. There are so many different things you can do in Photoshop. I learned how to cut around pictures so you don't get the white background behind the picture, which I think will be useful to me. 

iSpy Page


I think this was a fun activity and it was really easy to make. I think this is a good project to do with elementary school students. I think you could do this project in any grade but for the younger grades you might have to assist them more then the older grades.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Photoshop Poster

This poster I created in Photoshop was fun to make. I think that when I become a teacher I will use the skills I learned in Photoshop to make posters for my future classroom. This poster was fairly easy to make all I did was create different layers for each word and then picked a font and color.