Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Picture Cubes

Things to use to the picture cube for in the classroom:
-Making them into a dice.
-Putting math problems onto the cube and having them roll it and solving the problem they land on.
-roll multiple cubes and use the pictures they land on to make up a story or sentence.
-Putting the students pictures on it and using for pairing students up or playing get to know you games.
-You can have each student make one by putting their favorite photos on it and then have them tell a story. 

The Template we used

What mine looked like with the pictures on it
What the cube looked like all done and folded up

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reflection #2

The first article I read was called: Before Bringing in New Tools, You Must First Bring in New Thinking. This article was about the new age of technology and how ipads, laptops, smart boards and more are starting to come into the classrooms. I agree with him when he was talking about how we are bringing in the new technology to the classrooms and that changes the tools that we use to teach. He also talked about how we need to change the way we think. Teaching our future generation on the new technology I would agree with him about how we as teachers will not always know the answer to everything or how to do everything.
The second article I read was called:Teaching the Right Stuff Not yesterday’s stuff or today’s—but tomorrow’s! In this article he talked about how the times have changed and technology has changed and now is a big part of our education. I thought it was interesting how he said that the three main things he learned when he was in school was how to write a letter, a report and an essay. Now you write emails, make powerpoint presentations, blogs and articles. The technology keeps improving and as educators we have to stay on top of it so we know what all the new stuff is. In this article he talked about three main things of technology  that the students should be learning how to do are working in virtual communities, making videos and programming.

Reflection #1
I enjoyed  reading the educational technology and the Bill of Rights for students blog. I felt like it was very informative and I would have to agree with him on some of those things. Before this class I have never used Google docs before I had heard of it but never used it. Now that I have experienced and messed around with some of the things Google has to offer I’m surprised that so many people still use Microsoft Word. Another thing I really liked that he mentioned in his blog was how easy it is to save stuff to the cloud and how flash drives can get lost or smashed. I like the fact that even on Google docs you can save a bunch of stuff on it and then you can access it from any computer. I think that most people agree with at least a majority or all of the Bill of Rights for Students that he was talking about.